Project Profile: P3
People, Pollution and Pathogens: Mountain Ecosystems in a Human-Altered World

Principal Investigators: | Dirk Schmeller, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research, Germany |
Partners: | Gael Le Roux, The National Center for Scientific Research, France Vance Vredenburg, San Francisco State University, United States Ji Shen, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
Sponsors: | French National Research Agency, France German Research Foundation, Germany National Natural Science Foundation of China, China National Science Foundation, United States |
Full Project Title: | People, Pollution and Pathogens: Mountain Ecosystems in a Human-Altered World |
Full Call Title: | Mountains2015 |
Website: | |
Project Objective: | The P3 project will conduct ecological research and policy relevant actions on pollution, pathogens and anthropological impacts in mountain ecosystems, especially at the interface of aquatic and terrestrial habitats and in the socio-ecological system. P3 will augment, align and focus research strands already ongoing in the institutions of P3 partners. The principal aim of P3 is to understand the impact of climate change on mountain watersheds and the risks for stakeholders and the general public. |
Call Objective: | This call aims at fostering research on climate, environmental and related societal change in mountain regions, considering both new measurements, recovery of existing data, and the development and use of integrated modelling strategies by adopting a strong trans- and inter-disciplinary approach. |
Regions: | Asia, Europe, North America |
Countries: | China, France, Oman |
Duration: | |
Call Date: | April 1, 2015 |
Project Award Date: | 2015 |