Project Profile: NILE-Nexus
Opportunities for a Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Future in the Blue Nile Mountains of Ethiopia

Principal Investigators: | Benjamin Zaitchik, Johns Hopkins University, United States |
Partners: | Jeremy Foltz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States Belay Simane, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia Detlef Mueller-Mahn, University of Bonn, Germany Gianni Gilioli, University of Brescia, Italy |
Sponsors: | National Research Council - Department of Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies, Italy German Research Foundation, Germany National Science Foundation, United States |
Full Project Title: | Opportunities for a Sustainable Food-Energy-Water Future in the Blue Nile Mountains of Ethiopia |
Full Call Title: | Mountains2015 |
Website: |
Project Objective: | The core research objective of Nile-Nexus is to identify options to address emerging food-energy-water pressures in the Ethiopian Blue Nile Mountains. |
Call Objective: | This call aims at fostering research on climate, environmental and related societal change in mountain regions, considering both new measurements, recovery of existing data, and the development and use of integrated modelling strategies by adopting a strong trans- and inter-disciplinary approach. |
Regions: | Africa |
Countries: | Ethiopia |
Duration: | 36 months |
Call Date: | April 1, 2015 |
Project Award Date: | 2015 |