Project Profile: DEVIL
Feedback Loop Interactions Between Land Use Change and Food Security Dynamics

Principal Investigators: | Pete Smith, Scottish Food Security Alliance, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom |
Partners: | Paul West, Institute on the Environment (IonE), United States Mario Herrero, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia Robert Scholes, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa Jean Ometto, INPE, Brazil Trilochan Mohapatra, Central Rice Research Institute, India Jean-François Soussana, INRA, France Nina Buchmann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Deb Roberts, King's College, London, United Kingdom James Gerber, University of Minnesota, United States |
Sponsors: | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia São Paulo Research Foundation, Brazil French National Research Agency, France Ministry of Earth Sciences, India National Research Foundation, South Africa Swiss National Science Foundation, Switzerland Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council, United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom National Science Foundation, United States |
Full Project Title: | Feedback Loop Interactions Between Land Use Change and Food Security Dynamics |
Full Call Title: | Food2013 |
Website: | |
Project Objective: | DEVIL will examine the challenge of delivering food security now and in the future on limited area, which will entail examining feedback interactions between land use change and food security dynamics. |
Call Objective: | This call was designed to increase understanding of the dynamic spatial scale interactions between food security and land use. The focus was on the following topics: - Land use change impacts on food systems - Food systems dynamics as driver of land use changes - Feedback loop interactions between land use change and food security dynamics |
Regions: | Africa, Asia, South America |
Countries: |
Duration: | |
Call Date: | 2013 |
Project Award Date: | 2013 |