*Sign up to receive updates and to be invited to the webinar.
This announcement is intended to inform interested individuals and groups of an upcoming research funding opportunity focused on research challenges at the interface of cultural heritage and climate change. This research call, or “Collaborative Research Action” (CRA), is an initiative of the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) and Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate) and the Belmont Forum.

Themes and Key Areas
The themes and key areas of this call are currently being refined by an International Expert Group mandated by the JPIs and the Belmont Forum. They will be announced when the call is launched in April 2023.
This CRA results from a White Paper jointly developed and published in March 2022 by the two JPIs and from joint workshops held in June and September 2022 aimed at identifying and incorporating research priorities from Africa, the Americas and Asia.
Stay informed: Ahead of the call opening in mid-April 2023 (see the timeline below), interested individuals are invited to sign up for email updates using this form. Those who have signed up will be invited to a webinar, held around the call launch date, where they will have the opportunity to ask questions to the Theme Program Office (i.e. the transnational call secretariat) and the JPI CH, JPI Climate, and Belmont Forum.
Please note that signing up for these updates and participating in the launch event is not mandatory to submit a full proposal. Those participating in the launch event are also not obligated to submit a full proposal.
Eligibility requirements
Research proposals must be submitted as a group, or “Research Consortium” to be deemed eligible. A Research Consortium must comprise three or more participants, representing at least three different countries. It is also expected that partners within each consortium come from different disciplinary backgrounds. Each Research Consortium must request financial support from at least three participating funding organizations from three different countries. Further information about the eligibility criteria for this call will be communicated ahead of the launch date and at the webinar.
Funding organizations from the following countries have tentatively agreed to support the call:
Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Türkiye.
Their participation will be confirmed by the call launch in mid-April 2023. Please note that eligibility for funding is subject to meeting the specific eligibility requirements of each funding organizations.
Mid-April 2023
The full Call Text will be published.
Annexes from each participating funding organization outlining the type of support being offered will be published on the Belmont Forum website and Heritage Research Hub. Additional Annexes can be added on a rolling basis.
The project proposals will be accepted through the Belmont Forum Grants Operating System (BFgo), submission portal.
Early September 2023
Full Call for Proposals will close.
September – November 2023
An independent Panel of Experts representative of all disciplines and research areas relevant to this CRA will review proposals and recommend projects for funding.
Late November 2023
Awarded projects will be informed of the outcome of their application.
January – June 2024
Awarded projects will start.
“Heritage-Climate CRA” Theme Program Office – info@belmontforum.org
About the funders
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) were established to pool national research efforts and foster the implementation of the European Research Area (ERA) to address grand societal challenges. JPIs are flexible intergovernmental partnerships with the aim of better aligning the research and innovation investments spent at the national level. They involve countries that voluntarily agree to work in partnership towards common visions encapsulated in Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas and implemented through joint activities.
The Belmont Forum is a group of funding agencies from around the world that support transdisciplinary, globally-representative research groups and coproduction/participatory methods to address various global environmental change topics. Topics are addressed through CRAs and the Cultural Heritage and Climate CRA is among three research calls that will be launched in 2023.